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Caravan diesel heaters – Australia As the weather cools down, or you’re planning some travels during winter; you’ll want to think about how you’re going to keep yourselves warm when the weather gets really chilly. In this article we’re going to look at heating your caravan, motorhome or campervan. In particular, with a diesel powered …

Read More about Caravan diesel heaters – do you need one in Australia?

So you’re planning a road trip around Australia? We’ve been through that same exciting process of planning to travel Australia by road: but finding the answers to the many questions I had, proved time-consuming and a little bit frustrating. Though we searched high and low, the answers were all over the place. So we decided …

Read More about Road Trip Around Australia | Getting Set Up

Back in 2011 Ben and I moved to Christchurch, NZ. The day after we arrived, the 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit Christchurch. 185 people were killed, and thousands were injured. The damage to buildings and infrastructure was massive. The rebuilding continues, still. To say we were ‘lucky’ feels trite; we (including my mum, who we were with) …

Read More about When Disaster Strikes – Free Emergency Contact Form Template

Of course everybody is different, we have different ways of camping, different priorities and certainly, different budgets. This list of our top six camping essentials are what WE think are essential. You’ll probably be different, but it may also make you consider some items you hadn’t thought about already. Disclaimer – some of these links …

Read More about Our Top Six Camping Essentials for a Road Trip Around Australia

‘How to Blow Your Budget on a Road Trip Around Australia’… now there’s a title I didn’t ever want to be writing. I really would rather write a post on ‘How to Spend the Millions Left to You as an Inheritance by a Long Lost Great Uncle’. But alas, my knowledge base is firmly in the …

Read More about How to Blow Your Budget on a Road Trip Around Australia