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How to make your caravan interior feel more like home

Short of doing a full renovation of your caravan, here are a few tips that will help to make your caravan interior feel more like your home.

This is especially important for those of us that live full-time in our caravan… it IS our home.

Stepping into your caravan you want to feel like you’re coming home, not stepping into a tin box that is impersonal or feels clinical.

On days where you’re stuck inside because it’s bucketing down, or it’s just too cold outside, you’ll be glad to have a homey and comfortable place to relax.

Here are a few things you can do to make the interior of your caravan feel more like home.

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Caravan Interior

Add soft furnishings

The easiest change you can make in your caravan interior is to add some soft furnishings, or change out any that you don’t like. Soft furnishings includes things like cushions, curtains, bed covers, and includes upholstery and even floor coverings.

It doesn’t have to be difficult. It can be as simple as adding some bright cushions, a pretty throw, or changing out the duvet cover for something new.

You could add curtains if they don’t already have them (in addition to the blinds that are already there) or change the current ones.


Adding white net curtains is the number one decor change that makes the most difference to me. It takes me straight back to my childhood home where the net curtains would flutter in the breeze.

If you don’t already have carpet on the floor, a rug (especially around the bed) can be just the cozy addition you need.

Add personal touches

Adding personal touches can be as simple as adding the kids artwork to the fridge, or putting out your favourite coloured vase (and treating yourself to some fresh flowers!) or hanging the kitchen handtowell that nana made for you many years ago, on one of the cupboard knobs.

With limited wall space in a caravan, there’s not usually much space for wall art; but I have seen some families put up a map of Australia where they mark their travels. You could also hang a favourite piece of artwork (securely fastened to the wall, of course!) or some treasured photos of family or previous travels.


I personally don’t like having to move too much stuff when we travel, so if you’re the same as me, I’d recommend securing as much stuff as possible. I’ve seen many RVer’s recommend this super strong double sided tape from Amazon to hold down ornaments and secure photos or framed art on the wall (used as well as the hook).


Smells can bring back memories or evoke familiar feelings. So a scented candle or oil diffuser can be just enough to make you feel at home.

When your kitchen and bathroom is all contained in such a small space, adding some good smells will also help with combating the many unpleasant smells of your caravan.

We all know that getting the ‘smells’ right can be difficult. There’s a surprisingly fine line between smelling nice and being overwhelmed with fumes!

Good organisation

I find that organising our caravan so that I know where everything is and where it should go, helps me to feel more comfortable in the space.

That means that everything has to have a place that it can be stowed away for travel.

For some tips on how to organise your space, we’ve got some great ideas for organising your caravan kitchen and also some caravan wardrobe storage solutions..

Renovate a small part

Renovating some part of your caravan is not exactly an easy fix for making your caravan interior feel more like home. But if you were planning to replace something anyway (whether it be broken or just plain ugly) you can make the most of this and add some decor that is more to your style.

A new back splash can make a world of difference, and if you’re using Tic Tac Tiles they can even be easy to install.


I’ve written a lot about vintage caravan renovations, and it’s amazing how much difference a coat of paint can make to your space. It gives you a neutral palette from which to add the colours and textures that you want.

Some older caravan have carpet throughout, so if you’re planning on pulling that carpet out, you can instead put in a more suitable hard surface and add the rugs that you want.

What have you done to make your caravan interior feel more like home?

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