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Caravan Renovations

Did I tell you that Ben and I have stopped in Dubbo for a while?

We’ve decided that we’ll stay here for a couple of months, find some work, some accomodation and buffer up the kitty a little bit.

Speaking of work… we’ve just bought a drone! Ben’s learning to fly it, and with the help of our good friend (a videographer) we’ll get a couple of jobs to get us started and see what we can pick up.

This was literally our first photo:

Ben & Michelle | Road Trip Around Australia - Caravan Renovations - we've stopped in Dubbo to pick up some work (hopefully with our new drone!) to fill up the coffers and save for a caravan. We're thinking about renovating an older caravan. I hope we're not setting ourselves up for trouble!

Yep. :-O

So aaaanyway… the reason we want to stop is so that we can

  1. get some money back in the bank, and
  2. save up to buy a caravan.

I was getting a bit disillusioned about how on earth we’re going to afford the caravan that we want (which is ever changing, BTW) but whatever caravan I decide is the winner, it’s in the vicinity of $45k-$69k. Whaaat!

That made me seriously start looking at buying an older caravan and renovating.

I’m totally nervous about that idea. So I’ve started looking for other caravan renovations here in Australia. (I can find HEAPS in the US, but I need some reassurance that it’s done here in Australia.)

Love looking at caravan renovations? We’ve got more over on our Caravan Renovations page.

Since I was looking them all up anyway, I thought I’d document them all here for you as well. So here they are:

The Stylist Splash

Ben & Michelle | Road Trip Around Australia - Caravan Renovations - we've stopped in Dubbo to pick up some work (hopefully with our new drone!) to fill up the coffers and save for a caravan. We're thinking about renovating an older caravan. I hope we're not setting ourselves up for trouble!

From a dark and dreary (and unliveable) caravan to a light, airy and comfortable beachside holiday house.

Ben & Michelle | Road Trip Around Australia - Caravan Renovations - we've stopped in Dubbo to pick up some work (hopefully with our new drone!) to fill up the coffers and save for a caravan. We're thinking about renovating an older caravan. I hope we're not setting ourselves up for trouble!

This renovation is by Yvette, check out all the photos and story on her website, The Stylist Splash.

Cedar & Suede

Ben & Michelle | Road Trip Around Australia - Caravan Renovations - we've stopped in Dubbo to pick up some work (hopefully with our new drone!) to fill up the coffers and save for a caravan. We're thinking about renovating an older caravan. I hope we're not setting ourselves up for trouble!

Michael and Carlene from Cedar+Suede can usually be found renovating homes and consulting on home interiors. But in their spare time (!) they’ve also done a fabulous job of renovating an old caravan… and making it look stylish and functional. Go on over and have a look at their site to see all the pictures and find out all the details. Cedar+Suede

How to start your own blog

Grandish Designs

Before Grandish Designs got a hold of this tired caravan from the early 70’s, it was home to a man travelling around Australia following work. It appears to have been functional, but definitely not stylish, and it doesn’t look particularly comfortable to me either.

Ben & Michelle | Road Trip Around Australia - Caravan Renovations - we've stopped in Dubbo to pick up some work (hopefully with our new drone!) to fill up the coffers and save for a caravan. We're thinking about renovating an older caravan. I hope we're not setting ourselves up for trouble! But Belinda & Simon were able to turn this 16ft caravan into a little home on wheels for them and their family. You can see all the photos and details of the renovation on their website: Grandish Designs.

Organising The Four Of Us

Leanne and her family were going on a holiday with the grandparents. Rather than having everyone squash up into one caravan, Leanne and her husband decided to buy one of their own and renovate it.

Ben & Michelle | Road Trip Around Australia - Caravan Renovations - we've stopped in Dubbo to pick up some work (hopefully with our new drone!) to fill up the coffers and save for a caravan. We're thinking about renovating an older caravan. I hope we're not setting ourselves up for trouble!

Even though they were under time constraints, look at what they managed to achieve! They’ve lightened up the space, added bunks for their boys and by sticking with a black and white theme it looks uncluttered yet relaxing. Have a look at the photos on their website to see what the other end of the caravan looks like, and the cool exterior paint job.

Dave & Charlotte

Ben & Michelle | Road Trip Around Australia - Caravan Renovations - we've stopped in Dubbo to pick up some work (hopefully with our new drone!) to fill up the coffers and save for a caravan. We're thinking about renovating an older caravan. I hope we're not setting ourselves up for trouble!

Dave & Charlotte are wedding photographers from Western Australia, and they’ve shared their own vintage caravan renovation. It looks like they’ve made minimal changes and just spruced the whole thing up… a lot. See all the pictures over at Dave & Charlotte

Online Help for Caravan Renovations

While I’ve been able to find some general information on renovating caravans, there’s not heaps of info out there. These couple of articles are helpful, and will hopefully start you on the right path to asking the right questions of the people who actually know the answers. (i.e. not me).

As I said at the beginning, I’m nervous about this whole process, so I’ll be getting all the help I can find! (And I’ll share it with you) But so far, there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of information available online for the Australian market.

Caravanning Forums

The best place I’ve found so far is caravanning forums. For example, the Caravaners Forum has a whole section dedicated to caravan renovation projects. I gotta say though, it’s a bit of a drag having to trawl through pages and pages of people talking about the tiniest details (and the weather :-/) in order to get to some relevant information.

But on these forums you’ll find people who are actually doing the work, and then generously sharing their progress and the problems they encounter. Here’s an example of a renovation of a 23ft Viscount.

Have you done a caravan renovation? Please share with us all in the comments below!

Ben & Michelle | Road Trip Around Australia - Caravan Renovations - we've stopped in Dubbo to pick up some work (hopefully with our new drone!) to fill up the coffers and save for a caravan. We're thinking about renovating an older caravan. I hope we're not setting ourselves up for trouble! Ben & Michelle | Road Trip Around Australia - Caravan Renovations - we've stopped in Dubbo to pick up some work (hopefully with our new drone!) to fill up the coffers and save for a caravan. We're thinking about renovating an older caravan. I hope we're not setting ourselves up for trouble!Ben & Michelle | Road Trip Around Australia - Caravan Renovations - we've stopped in Dubbo to pick up some work (hopefully with our new drone!) to fill up the coffers and save for a caravan. We're thinking about renovating an older caravan. I hope we're not setting ourselves up for trouble!


Sunday 31st of May 2020

Hi Michelle, We have started, approx 5 weeks ago renovating a 14ft (small, I know - I wanted bigger but hubby fell in love with this van) Spaceline pop top. We have pretty much gutted her and now we are replacing walls and flooring and starting to paint. It’s a big job but we think it will look great in the end!!


Sunday 31st of May 2020

How exciting Kylie! I hadn't heard the 'Spaceline' brand much but I'm hearing about more and more renovations. I'd LOVE to see photos when you're all done! How old is she?

RNR Caravan Modifications

Friday 27th of September 2019

Some amazing results on this post. We are a caravan repairer who does caravan modifications on new caravans. We would love to have a couple of vintage caravans to work on, but the cost for most people can be prohibitive to most people. Perhaps we should do a special vintage project just for the fun of it. If we do, then we will share the photos with you.


Saturday 28th of September 2019

A special vintage project sounds like a great idea! If you do, we'd LOVE to see photos! :-)


Wednesday 5th of June 2019

Hi Michelle, Hubby and I have just bought a 1977 4 berth caravan that we plan to restore throughout. During my research for Aussies who have done this, I came across a You Tuber called Rover Tasmania, he shows how to do all repairs and sealing of the ouside etc in close up detail. Well worth a look. Good luck with your travels!


Monday 10th of June 2019

Hi Joanne, How exciting! I'd love to see the finished product when you're done. :-) And thanks for the tip about Rover Tasmania, he's got loads of videos! Michelle :-) For anyone else that wants to see the Youtube account Joanne referred to, here's the link: You'll need to scroll through as he's also got lots of mechanical type videos, but there's heaps of caravan reno videos as you scroll through.

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